
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monkey Zodiac Silhouette's

Zodiac Silhouette's: The Monkey

Java, companion to Tai-ten, is a golden maned Tamarin. A couple years back Tai-ten happened to hear Java's cries while he was traveling the path home. Java had fallen from his nest and sprained his ankle. Unfortunately they found his nest empty when Tai-ten brought him back to find his family. After completely recovering from his fall, Tai-ten decided to name Java and hope to have a new friend. Of course Java was wild, and it was only right to let the Tamarin come and go as he pleased. But Java likes to stick close to Tai-ten and often buries himself in Tai-ten's massive mane when it gets too chilly.

Tai-ten is just an average villager, but he lives each day to its fullest. Everyday he will get up to train and go to market to fetch food and other essentials. Java often rides on Tai-ten's shoulder to accompany him. Tai-ten wants to be this amazing protector and take after his father (who is the chief guardian of the village). As a guardian, he would be responsible for the protection of his people and the aid of other villages. He considers himself quite responsible now, but he still has some childish qualities. Messy being one of them and being unorganized. He'll end up sprawled out on the floor when he falls asleep and Java will take right after him, burrowing himself in Tai-ten's mane.

Java and Tai-ten have a pretty close relationship and plan on sticking together for quite some time.

Final Concept


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